

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service – Caring Company 2021


We are honored to share that Nicedrape has been awarded the “10 Years Plus Caring Company Logo” for our 10th consecutive year of participation in the Caring...

The Chinese Manufacturers Association of Hong Kong - Ceremony of CMA & Donors Scholarship


The 2020 Manufacturers’ Association Scholarship Award Ceremony was held on December 8th at the Manufacturer’s Association Building. This award’s mission i...

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business - Partner Employer Award 2020


Nicedrape is very grateful to receive the Partner Employer Award 5 years plus by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Limited. This award...

ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme


We are pleased to announce that Nicedrape have been awarded the ‘‘Manpower Developer Award Scheme’’ that organized by the Employees Retraining Board. Th...